Tuesday 23 May 2017

Thank you!

Following my appearance on television on the programme "Shut-ins - Britain's Fattest Woman", I would like to say thank you so much to everyone who has sent me positive messages and comments. I cannot believe the number of you who've sent me kind words and support. I know many of you have commented on my blog and I am sorry that I have not replied to you on here, but for some reason I am having issues with replying. I just hope I can do well not just for myself but to show all of you that the supposedly 'impossible' can be achieved as long as you keep at it.

Of course there have also been people who tell me I am, amongst other things, ignorant, stupid and that I did not deserve the help I got, To these people I would like to say that you have not walked in my shoes, you have no idea of my issues and what I have been through. You have only seen an hour of television which was edited down from over 2 years of footage. You have no idea of the torment you can get from how you look. The criticism you receive every day from not only people you know, but strangers, is enough to push you to the edge. They seem to think that putting you down will suddenly make you realise you are fat. I don't want to shock you haters out there, but I KNOW I am fat! Is being fat really the worst thing a person can be? Do you think abuse will somehow help towards 'curing' me of my fatness? Or do you just like being angry and rude?
I have no choice but to spend all day every day with my issues apparent for all to see. If I were an alcoholic, drug addict or used another form of abuse to rely on and make my demons go away, I would be able to appear perfectly normal nearly all of the time to those who don't know me. But sadly my comfort, my friend and the one thing I rely on has an obvious and conspicuous physical effect.
Furthermore, imagine being, say, an alcoholic and trying to kick the habit but in order to remain alive, having to take a small alcoholic drink on a regular basis. Or a smoker trying to give up their addiction whilst also having to smoke one cigarette every day to stay alive. The best way to cure an addiction is to avoid the offending substance completely - try doing that with food and see how long you last! Losing weight isn't as easy as those who've never had to do it on a life-changing scale would have you believe.
So if you're one of the haters, maybe you might one day change one of YOUR bad habits and see past the simple surface detail - you'll see that there's a real person in there somewhere.Try to engage with that person instead of falling prey to your own ignorance.

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